Last week, I downloaded the free app SheReadsTruth - an app that contains different translations of the Bible for reading the Word on the go (they have a male counterpart, HeReadsTruth, also available). It also has a free plan for reading the Bible in a year, of which I started reading last week, and have been playing catch-up with the NASB translation.
Throughout my reading, I keep coming across the word 'lovingkindness.' It's dotted throughout the readings, and it jumps out at me every time.
Lovingkindness. Lovingkindness. Lovingkindness.
At first glance, I can guess from contextual analysis that it is a feeling deeper than kindness - a kindness that is loving. A step further than just showing a kind demeanor. There must be some kind of love behind the act.
On further research (read: a Google search) I discovered that lovingkindness is actually the opposite of what I thought - not kindness with love, but love with kindness - specifically, "a form of love characterized by acts of kindness" (x). In Hebrew, it is known as chesed; in Buddhism, it is known as Mettā.
I will have to meditate on why this word keeps jumping out at me. I find it intriguing that this word is a synthesis of two beautiful words, which mean something greater when combined. Maybe it means I should focus on how I show my love. I am a writer, so I am more inclined to show my love with words rather than actions - texts, proclamations, and sayings - but actions speak louder than words. I will have to do some soul searching with this one.
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